Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Shasta Daisy (171/365)

TIME: 12:05 PM
SUBJECT: Shasta Daisy

I’ve been trying to take a walk, twice a day at work during my breaks.

We have a little path that goes around the pond in front of our building. From the cafeteria, to the pond, around it twice and back again, is almost a quarter of a mile.

The daisies planted at one end are blooming.


The husband had to go to the ER this morning – turns out he has a kidney stone.  This is his 2nd one.  They last time he had one I was out of town with my sister on vacation.

I was just out of town with my sister on vacation last week. 
He gets another  kidney stone.

In any case, I think he’s going to make it.

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