Monday, February 15, 2021

Snow Day (046/365)

TIME: 1:17 pm
PLACE: Driving south on 159
SUBJECT: Tree line


The snow they were talking about arrived.

Lots of the white stuff all over the place.

HH had to drop off some paperwork south of town and I decided to go with him.

The roads were not good.

In fact, we had difficulties reversing out of the driveway of the place where he took his paperwork.  We had to have help getting out.  But, eventually, we made it.

SUBJECT: Chairs outside Rural King

We stopped by Rural King while we were out - why?  Because it was there and I had to use the facilities.

It was cold - like low single digits cold.

It was so cold, I wore a hat. I NEVER wear hats.

Here is a photo of me in my hat.  In the restroom. At Rural King.

I do exist.


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