Saturday, May 16, 2009

Oh Oh Domino (136/365)

2009 05 16 IMG_5084 
"Family love is messy, clinging, and of an annoying and repetitive pattern, like bad wallpaper.”

Friedrich Nietzsche (German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture,

TIME:  8:13 PM
PLACE:  My sister's house
SUBJECT:  Dominos

My sister decided to have the family (Dad, my oldest brother and his wife and my family) over tonight just because.  I made a salad and she had hamburgers and hotdogs, cheesy potato casserole, and chips.  After we ate, we played a game of "Chicken Foot".  The game became quite loud with much shouting, grumbling and other carrying on.  This is par for the course when my family gets together and plays any game.  HandsomeHusband did not participate in the raucous goings on.  Instead he sat himself on the couch and got acquainted with his new cell phone.


bentonflocke said...

oh my children love dominos, too!

bentonflocke said...

oh my children love dominos, too!