Friday, May 8, 2009

Forewarned is Forearmed (128/365)

2009 05 08 IMG_4788 
"The most precious jewels are not made of stone, but of flesh."

Robert Ludlum (American author and novelist, 1927-2001)

TIME: 6:23 PM
PLACE:  In the Lincoln on Highway 15
SUBJECT: HandsomeHusband's forearm and
costume jewelry on my forearm

Another busy day.  I went to my client's office this morning until about 11:30am and then left for a Mother's Day Luncheon with StellaDella.  The preschool class made the moms a lunch consisting of chicken and noodle casserole, applesauce, salad, garlic bread and fruit.  For dessert: chocolate dipped strawberries and iced sugar cookies with sprinkles.  They also put on a short program.  It was so cute and they were all very proud of their work.

I had signed up to give blood for
Monkeyboy's and DramaQueen's school district at 3:30 this afternoon.  So I go there, wait in line, get the finger stick, (my iron levels are very good!); the nurse takes my temperature (97.6 degrees) and blood pressure (106/70); then I complete the standard questionnaire on the laptop.  I get to the "Have you had a tattoo in the last 12 months?" question...Doh!  I completely forgot about my tattoo.  According to Red Cross regulations, because of the risks, I am unable to donate blood for a year.  Oh well, I tried.

Then HH and I dropped off the kids at Dad's house about 6pm so we could go to a Trivia Night to benefit the Race for the Cure (fight against breast cancer).  On the drive there, our arms were lying next to each other on the armrest and the early evening sun shone on them.  I liked the lighting, so I took the picture. 

(In case you are wondering, our trivia table came in 5th out of a total of 19 groups.) 


Miranda said...

Nice shot jewerly.

Sounds like a very nice lunch, mmmm chocolate dipped strawberries.

I gave blood 3 times :( then after I had my ministrokes they wouldn't let me do it anymore. I was really heart broken about that.

bentonflocke said...

beautiful jewelry! and a fantastic shot of your both forearms

wish you a wonderful weekend!!

Mari said...

Nice shot - nice bracelet too!

Dot O said...

Very clever photo - your jewelry is sharp!

Susan said...

What a day and evening you had. This is a great picture--nice contrast.

SaraG said...

Very cool photo, all your photos are so great to see!
I love your site.
Take care
Happy Mother's Day tomorrow!! Hope your weekend is going great.

Sujomi said...

~just me again~ - The strawberries were excellent! I was disappointed about not being able to give...I'll just have to wait.

bentonflocke - It's a favorite bracelet. HH jokes that that is one of the few places his hair isn't grey yet!

Mari - Thank you, I purchased it at a friend's home jewelry party last year.

Sujomi said...

Dot O - I've been trying to "see" things differently. Some shots work, and a whole lot do not! LOL

Susan - It seems my days are really full or quiet. Never in-between!

Sara G - You made me blush. Hope your weekend is wonderful as well!