TIME: 3:30 PM
PLACE: Mermet Springs
SUBJECT: The Group
We finished off today with 2 dives. The first dive we did compass navigation (a straight line out and back) and more stinkin' mask work (removal and replacement underwater - ugh!!!) Once again, I powered through it and made it back up without too much struggle.
Me on the left, surviving the dive.

For the last dive, we swam above water across the quarry. HH and I are bringing up the rear here. If you look between us, you can see little red balls way out there in the quarry. Look to the right of them - you can barely make out a white pole.
That's were we went.
The Boeing 727 airplane form the movie "U.S. Marshals" is sunk there. We descended with an instructor to explore around the fuselage. The nose is at 50 feet, but we did not go down that far. We only went to about 35' where there was a Jetski. From there we made our way back past the Cessna (which I swam to yesterday) and then to the platforms by the primary dock. It was a long swim in the murky water, but there were guidelines to follow and I had an instructor by my side and one just above me to make sure I went in the right direction and kept my buoyancy in the right spot.
I passed! I am now Open Water Certified.
I passed! I am now Open Water Certified.