Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Barrel & Button (274/366)

TIME: 12:29 pm
SUBJECT: Rain Barrel & Bachelor Button


I took this today (October 1st), but I'm posting it as my September 30th picture (which is the date of this post).

I took a similar picture on September 30th (the date of this post), but I managed to delete my photos taken from September 30th to September 25th off my camera.

Don't ask me how - I've had issues lately.  

Luckily I've been downloading all my photos daily, so I still have copies of the 25th to the 29th on my computer.

Except I didn't download yesterday's - September 30th - which is today's backdated post. 

Does that make sense?


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Freeform Web (273/366)

TIME: 6:18 pm
PLACE: Front porch
SUBJECT: Spider web


I don't think the spider read the directions when assembling this web.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Alley Leaves and a Fly (272/366)

TIME: 5:51 pm
PLACE: Alley
SUBJECT: Leaves in a water puddle


I think fall arrived today in the form of a cold rain which knocked some foliage off the trees.

TIME: 6:29 pm
PLACE: Unfinished room


We have had several flies flitting around the house the past week or so.

I hope the cold does away with them soon

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Two Cats (271/366)

TIME: 9:16 am
PLACE: Living room


I was able to talk to my boy this morning - had him on speakerphone so the husband and StellaDella could hear and speak as well. 

Jack-Jack watched us as we talked and I Snapchatted his photo to Monkeyboy as well.

TIME: 5:48 pm
PLACE: Driveway
SUBJECT: Cat silhouette on cardboard


I am attempting to make a Halloween wreath/door decoration with a witch broom from the Target dollar spot, and artificial flowers, witch hat picks and a wooden cat figure from the Dollar Tree.

I spray painted the artificial flowers and cat figure with black spray paint and ended up making a little silhouette of a cat on the cardboard in the process

I haven't put the whole thing together yet - waiting on the paint to completely dry - we'll see if my idea is any good.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Light Stripes (270/366)

TIME: 6:17 pm
PLACE: Living room
SUBJECT: Light on wall


Late afternoon light in the fall is the best.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Flashback Friday (269/366)

TIME: Sep 25, 2007, 9:06 pm
SUBJECT: Sock Monster


I made this sock monster 13 years ago using a pair of my mother's socks.

I gave it to an 8-year-old Monkeyboy..

....he loved it.

About 3 months later, he accidently left it on the living room floor and Miss Oreo chewed it up.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Living Room Still Life (268/366)

TIME: 8:13 pm
PLACE: Living room
SUBJECT: Lamp, salt lamp, photo of my maternal great-grandparents
and a candle on the doughbox table


It's getting darker earlier and earlier...the sun set at 6:52:11 pm tonight.

Tomorrow it will set at 6:50:36 pm - 2 minutes earlier than tonight.

I am so not ready for this.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Atrium (267/366)

TIME: 8:12 am
PLACE: Barnes - outside the Surgery Center


SD had a procedure this morning to remove a cyst from her wrist.

It all went well and she is now home resting.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuber Tuesday (266/366)

TIME: 5:43 pm
PLACE: Back yard
SUBJECT: Sweet potatoes


Our gigantic harvest of sweet potatoes - bet we saved a ton of money vs. store bought.

*rolls eyes*

Monday, September 21, 2020

Mo-Mo Monday (265/366)

TIME: 6:40 pm
PLACE: Living room


Someone is feeling very secure tonight.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Nixon Agnew (264/366)


TIME: 10:45 am
PLACE: Grocery store parking lot
SUBJECT: Nixon Agnew sticker


I was walking into the grocery store this morning and passed a beautiful classic Plymouth parked in the lot.

I then noticed the bumper sticker in the window.

I continued walking to the entrance then turned around and walked back to look at it again and take a quick photo.

The owner had exited the store and was putting groceries in the trunk when I walked back.

I told him I liked the car and the sticker - he said he was going for the period vibe as the car was a 1967 and the sticker was part of the 1968 election.

After I took a quick photo and was walking into the store, the horrible realization dawned on me that I could be considered a classic too - I was born in the same year as the car.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Snake Saturday (263/366)

TIME: 5:07 pm
PLACE: Reptile store
SUBJECT: Green Tree Python


I accompanied StellaDella on her trip to the reptile store to pick up crickets and mealworms for her geckos.

While there, we checked out the occupants in the aquariums and cages.

One of them was this, I am not a huge snake fan, but I gotta admit, they are fascinating creatures.

Take this Green Tree Python for example - it has such a beautiful color.  Also, the orderly arrangement of its scales is aesthetically pleasing to me as well.

Yes. I am weird.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Vine Flowers (262/366)

TIME: 6:57 pm
PLACE: Front porch
SUBJECT: Hyacinth Bean Vine flower


I bought this vine several years ago - well, not this vine, but it's great-great-great-great grandmother.

I save a couple of seed pods in the fall.  In the following spring, I plant the seeds in a large pot that sits in my front flower bed.  It a has a homemade "tepee" type trellis for the vine to creep up.

One year, I forgot to save  the pods, and had to use seed from some older pods - it still grew.

The perfect plant for bad gardeners like me.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday Bouquet (261/366)

TIME: 8:17 pm
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Flowers


A local florist has $10 bouquets on Thursdays.

I asked demanded that my husband go get one for me.

He did.

So basically, I can say he bought me flowers today.

Sometimes? You just gotta let the man know what you want. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I Think I Got a Good Deal (260/366)

TIME: 8:55 pm
PLACE: Living room


I miss going to auctions, estate sales and flea markets.  Stupid COVID.

So, to feed my urge to purchase items I don't need, I've been checking out auctions near me on the website.

Late Sunday afternoon, I am browsing an auction that was to close in about 4 hours.  On the last page of items up for bid, I come across a lot of 2 chairs.  These chairs have no bids.  They are labeled in the auction as "OUX chairs".  They looked pretty mid-century to me and also look very similar to furniture my brother has in his living room <-- which is definitely authentic mid-century furniture.

So I Google - God bless Google - I do not find "OUX" chairs but do find plenty of "DUX" chairs. Very expensive chairs from what I can see.  I found a set of six, which has two like the ones in the auction, with an asking price of $3,295 (free shipping though!) or about $549 a chair.

I figure, what the heck, and placed a max bid of $50.

I got them for $32 plus a 15% bidders fee. I'm still a little giddy!

I picked them up today. The cushions need to be cleaned &/or replaced, there are some white marks here and there on the frame and the teak wood may need some Danish oil to bring back the shine, but overall they look good. I believe they are Folke Ohlsson designed chairs made in Sweden and imported for DUX.

Here is a photo of the whole chair - it's not an artsy photo and I ask that you please ignore the dog scratches on my front door.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Drewes and Dry Ice (259/366)

TIME: 7:36 pm
PLACE: St Louis, MO
SUBJECT: Ted Drewes sign


The husband had a desire for some frozen custard after dinner. 

He and I went and had a prime parking spot under the sign.

I brought StellaDella a Twisted Caramel concrete (salted caramel and crumbled pretzels).  They packed it in a bag with dry ice to keep it from melting on the way home.

Once we returned home, of course I had to place it in a bowl and add warm water.

Always fun to see the clouds of white fog.

I even made a video!


Monday, September 14, 2020

Stop Telling Me What To Do (258/366)

TIME: 12:24 pm
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Doritos bag 


These days, even my snack chips are trying to tell me how to live my life.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Succulents & My Son (257/366)

TIME: 5:08 pm
PLACE: Living room
SUBJECT: Succulents


Inspired by my brother and sister-in-law's decor, I purchased some succulents from the Home Depot and planted them in my Hull swan planter.

From top left, clockwise: Haworthia, Burro's Tail and String of Buttons.

Here is a side view of my planter.
(I know I am officially old because I love me a vintage planter)


The best part of today? Zooming with my boy.

I worry so much about him over there.  So happy to see and talk to him.

Technology is a good thing. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Butterflies (256/366)

TIME: 1:55 pm
SUBJECT: Eastern Black Swallowtail & Painted Lady butterflies


We have had so many butterflies around the yard this summer.  

These Eastern Black Swallowtails have been showing up at the Butterfly bush lately.

On the side of the house, where the zinnias grow, the Painted Ladies like to hang out in large groups. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Heartworm (255/366)

TIME: 6:30 pm
PLACE: The neighborhood
SUBJECT: Worm (and ants)


Took Mulder for a walk.

Saw this...I got nothing more today. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Vixen and Crop Circles (254/366)

TIME: 10:34 am
PLACE: My brother's
SUBJECT: 1986 Vixen RV


My brother owns a Vixen RV which was designed by Bill Collins.  

Bill Collins was the guy who designed and built the prototype for the DeLorean DMC-12.

Less than 300 were sold from 1986-1989 when the company went out of business.

It's a pretty cool RV - when the top isn't up, it is only 6 feet high.  It is 21 feet long and was designed to fit in typical garage.

TIME: 1:59 pm
PLACE: Airplane
SUBJECT: Center-pivot irrigation 


These were interesting to see during my flight home.

It looks like the engine is spitting our green BBs


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Didn't Need a Filter Today (253/366)

TIME: 10:43 am
PLACE: Nicasio Valley, CA
SUBJECT: Old St. Mary's


When I woke up, the sky was orange.

This was caused by the smoke from the numerous wildfires on the West Coast.

Very eerie.


Lucky me - I got to be in San Francisco for the hottest day experienced on September 6th since 1904; the temperature hit 102 degrees.  Then, on Monday, the temperature in Novato (where I was staying), hit 114 degrees.  Good times!


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Supper in Sebastopol (252/366)

TIME: 4:18 pm
PLACE: Ramen Gaijin, Sebastopol
SUBJECT: Hitodama & Shiitake Miso Ramen


We drove to Sebastopol to do some antique shopping. 

Then, since we were hungry and didn't eat lunch, we made an old person's 4:00 pm dinner reservation (when they opened) at Ramen Gaijin.

Good stuff.

SUBJECT: Hairy-footed flower bee

This gal sat next to me on the bench seating.

I'm not sure if it was because she liked me or just wanted the flowers that were in my drink - In either chase, I gave them to her anyway.

I also let go of my "Where's George" bill here as part of the tip - we'll see if anyone else logs him in.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Mitzy (251/366)

TIME: 6:10 pm
PLACE: My brother's


This is Mitzy or Spritzy or Mitz.  
She has several other names, all of which escape me at the moment.

This girl is about 14 years old.

She reminds me so much of my late Miss Oreo. 
Except she's about a 10th of Oreo's size.  
And white instead of black.
But her old lady ways are the same.

But I do love me a senior dog.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Golden Gate & a Horse's Ass (250/366)

TIME: 6:13 pm
PLACE: Legion of Honor, San Francisco
SUBJECT: Golden Gate Bridge

SUBJECT: The rear view of El Cid Campedor (1920) by Anna Hyatt Huntington


I am spending the next few days visiting my brother in California.

My vacation got off to a great start when we had to de-board the plane because one of the crew members wasn't feeling well.

There was a 2-hour delay while they re-sanitized the plane and found another crew member to work the flight.  I missed my connection in Denver and had to wait another 2 hours there to catch a flight to San Francisco.

I lost 4 hours of vacation - not horrible, but when you only have a short time at your destination, every hour counts. 

My brother and sister-in-law picked me up at the airport and we drove into the city to pick up some fish and fried avocado tacos. 

We were going to go to the beach and eat them. But that plan went to hell too. This was because it was a rare sunny, very hot (in the 100's) day, it was Labor Day weekend and the public parking lots were closed to discourage a crowd at the beach. So of course, EVERYONE was there.  Social distancing was not happening at all.

My brother suggested we go to the Legion of Honor and sit on the grass there instead.

That worked - we easily found a parking spot and there were not very many people.  Successful social distancing was practiced! 

We had a nice view of the rear of the horse too.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Almost a Rainbow & Some Graffiti (249/366)

TIME: 1:16 pm
PLACE: Jackman's Fabrics
SUBJECT: Quilting fabrics

TIME: 1:35 pm
PLACE: Outside fabric store
SUBJECT: Graffiti


My sewing machine was not working right - the dang thread cutter wasn't working and the bobbin thread was getting all rat's nested up in the case - so I took it in for repair.

The store has this wall of fabric color, which I like.

However, it does bother me that it is not in RoyGBiv or even VibGYor order.

Since I don't work there, I guess I can't complain.

A new gas station is going up on next to the store on the corner, hence the dumpster.

I like the graffiti man too.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Where's George (248/366)

TIME: 10:02 pm
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Dollar bill


We received this dollar from the Bank of America last Friday when requesting small bills for our yard sale. (Worst.Yard.Sale.Ever.BTW)

I finally keyed in the info on the site tonight, eager to see where this boy has been.

.....aaaaannnnd I am only the 2nd person to enter his serial # - the 1st being the initial entry.

How disappointing!

He started out in Helena, MT back on October 8, 2019.  It took 332 days, 6 hours and 6 minutes for the 2nd entry.  He traveled at least 1,247 miles at an average speed of 3.8 miles per day.

I have a plan on releasing him back out into circulation.

I'll keep you up-to-date

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ice Cold (247/366)

TIME: 6:17 PM
PLACE: 12th & W Main
SUBJECT: M & L Mart side window


I've always liked the "ICE COLD" lettering on this window.

The red background used to be a silhouette of a bottle.  When they installed the electronic sign, it cut off the top of the bottle. 

I still like it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Where Have All the Trees Gone? (246/366)

TIME: 6:51 pm
PLACE: Downtown
SUBJECT: Metal tree surround


The city redid the sidewalks downtown several years ago, including some side streets.

The re-do included planting trees in metal surrounds like this one.

Many of the trees didn't make it.

I have no idea if they ever plan on replacing them in the future.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Take Me Back Tuesday (245/366)

TIME: 1 Sept 2008 - 10:07 am
PLACE: S 2nd & W Garfield St


12 years ago, on this date, HH, the kids and I walked in the Labor Day parade with his union.

This was something we did this for several years as a family.

While we were lined up, waiting for the parade to start, I took this photo of an old building that was on the corner.  

The old factory building is no longer there; it was torn down years ago.

TIME: 1 Sept 2008 - 11:00 am
PLACE: Hough Park
SUBJECT: DramaQueen, StellaDella & Monkeyboy

HH's union was always at the beginning of the parade, so we would be the first group at the park where the parade ended and there were rides and food.

The kids loved it because they never had to wait in long lines for the rides.

DQ was almost 11, MB was 9 and SD was 4 - they were so little!