Monday, May 18, 2015

School Picnic (138/365)

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“I once asked my father for a dollar for the school picnic. He told me how he once killed a grizzly bear with his loose-leaf notebook.”
―Bill Cosby

TIME:  10:10AM – 12:56 PM
PLACE:  Park
SUBJECT:  School district picnic

The annual parade and school picnic was today.

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This is my 11th year and I have sunk to sitting at a table under a pavilion.
I established
a base camp, while my youngest child ran around, spending an ungodly amount of money on carnival rides, food and beverages.

Seat holder and personal ATM.
That’s me.

One good thing.
I had the perfect spot to take this picture of them on the slide without having to move from my seat.

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