Sunday, June 21, 2015

Solstice, Sleeping and Son (172/365)

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“Care to join me for solstice caroling?
[sings in a high voice]
Walking in the grass, it's so fine, don't need shoes in the summertime!”

Spongebob, “Krabby Land”, Season 3, Episode 57a, April 3, 2004

TIME:  6:08 AM to 6:50 AM
PLACE:  Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site
SUBJECT:  Woodhenge

I convinced the husband to wake at an ungodly hour to be at Cahokia Mounds at 5:20am to observe the Summer Solstice Sunrise.
Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not cooperate. 
The rainy weather refused to leave and the sun was not visible.
Still, we heard an excellent explanation of the post circles and we hiked up to the top of Monks Mound for some spectacular views.
(The mound bisected by the back middle post is Monks Mound.)

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The steps leading to the top of  Monks Mound

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Looking west from the top of Monks Mound 

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The east side of Monks Mound
(for perspective, you can just make out a person standing on the top at the far right)

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There were many deer on the site.
These guys were hiding out in the tall grass.

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TIME:  2:44 PM
PLACE:  The car
SUBJECT:  Sleeping children

In the afternoon, we had a graduation party to attend.
They all complained about how the back seat was too crowded now that they are older.
It didn’t stop them from all falling asleep on the hour-long ride there.

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TIME:  3:43 PM
PLACE:  Pond at Brother-in-law’s
SUBJECT:  James and a fish

We did some fishing while we were there.

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