Thursday, November 26, 2020

Why Did the Chickens Cross the Road on Thanksgiving? (331/366)

TIME: 3:36 pm
PLACE: S. 14th Street
SUBJECT: Chickens!


After our Thanksgiving meal with just HH, SD, DQ and her boyfriend, I packed up food in my many takeout containers to make a meals on wheels delivery to my dad.

I was delayed by chickens in the road.  Which is weird - when did we get chickens in the neighborhood?

That white one on the right had some attitude and was giving me the evil eye.


(Look at the strut on that sassy gal)

The joke is funny because it's true - they did want to get to the other side!

Lucky for them, it was a turkey cooking and not a chicken cooking day.  I guess they knew that and felt pretty secure being out this afternoon.

I want chickens, but after seeing what Scully did to the rabbit, I'm not sure they'd survive at our house right now.  Someday though!

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