Friday, October 5, 2012

Beer Me! (279/366)

2012 10 50 IMG_202758w
"To alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems"

Homer Simpson, The Simpsons, Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment, 16 Mar. 1997.

TIME:  8:27 PM
PLACE:  Downtown
SUBJECT:  Beer stand at the Chili Cook-Off

Our town has its Annual Chili Cook-Off this weekend.  Through my work, I volunteered to work the beer stand on the Square from 7:30 to 10:30.  I figured it would be a good spot to see everyone.  What everyone didn’t plan on was the rain and cold weather.  It was a bit cold, wet and very slow tonight.  It was still fun though – I’ll volunteer again next year.

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