Monday, November 23, 2020

Kill(ed) the Wabbit (328/366)


TIME: 8:14 am
PLACE: Back porch
SUBJECT: Deceased rabbit


(I made the photo today hidden - so look only if you want to see the deceased bunny, it's not bloody, it just looks like it it laying down, however, I didn't want to offend anyone)

HH left early this morning to go drive - he took the dogs out before he left.

Bad timing for the rabbit in the yard who happened to be in our yard.

It made a critical error and was caught behind our shed and the fence, it's escape was cut off on both ends by each dog.

Scully weaseled her way between the shed and the fence and was able to grab the bunny.  She refused to drop it until she went up on the porch and then she finally released it.

HH left it there in case it was just stunned and hopefully would come around - unfortunately, it was mortally wounded. :(

RIP - poor bunny.


Dana said...

*GASP* In my reader the bunny wasn't hidden. At least it wasn't boiled :)

Sujomi said...

Dang blog readers, not hiding the photo. And I was so proud of my amateur HTML skills.

Tripped up once again by technology. :(