Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Wayback Wednesday or That's a Big Sandwich! (330/366)

TIME: May 1982
PLACE: Dining room of childhood home
SUBJECT: Me, my sister, my 2nd oldest brother and a sandwich


My brother (that guy there on the right) recently texted these photos to the family group chat.

I don't remember this being taken at all, but we all finally came to the conclusion that this sandwich was for my oldest brother's (not pictured) high school graduation party.

Dad purchased the creation from Imperial Deli in Imperial, Missouri (no longer in business). I'm pretty sure he put the seat down in the Ford Fairmont station wagon to bring it home.

I need to point out my silver slinky belt with the butterfly buckle; how strong my sister is; and my brother's jorts and 1980 USA Olympic t-shirt.  I am deliberately trying not to draw any attention to my hair style.  Thank you for not bringing that up.

Here is another shot of the sandwich (because you can never have too many photos of a really long sandwich)....

L-R: Dad, Me, my sister, Mom


My dad and mom were 40 yeas old in this picture.  I was 15, my sister was 6 and my brother was 16.

I don't know where my oldest brother was...he was probably too cool to be in a sandwich photo.


Dana said...

Am I the only one who thinks Monkeyboy looks like your brother??

Sujomi said...

He does! It's funny, I see him in pictures from HH's side - his dad especially when he was younger. I also see him in younger photos of my dad. MB is definitely a combination of both!