Sunday, October 25, 2020

Front Porch Revisited (299/366)


TIME: 4:53 pm
PLACE: Front Porch
SUBJECT: Fresh paint


The husband power-sprayed the front porch on Friday, we picked out paint on Saturday and painted the deck and a bit of the rail. 

It turned into a 2-day affair because after we painted it, and to be fair, as we were painting it, I hated - hated! - the color we chose.  It was Behr MQ2-18 Honey Tea; It didn't look like the color chip.  It was just too bright and looked like we were trying too hard to make the floor "pop".

I did not want it to "pop", I wanted it to blend.  Soooo, I went and purchased a different color today - Behr Kaffee (MQ2-49) and painted again.  It looks light in this photo, but it is actually a bit darker.  

We couldn't remember the last time we painted the porch...
Project365 to the rescue!

One of the benefits of having this blog since 2009 is that it archives projects we have done around the house.


I tried to take today's photo as close to the same angle and perspective as this one.

2009 had more sun, more shadows.

Funny how the deck color looks the same in both photos.

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