Monday, January 18, 2010

Ravioli Pin (018/365)

2010 01 18 IMG_3689w
Plankton:  …Remember: Ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli.

"Imitation Krabs." SpongeBob SquarePants. Season 2, Episode 24b. December 28, 2000.

TIME:  9:13 PM
PLACE:  Kitchen
SUBJECT:  Ravioli rolling pin & recipe

At our family reunion in October, we talked about getting together in February to make the family recipe for ravioli.  Making ravioli in our family is usually a huge undertaking as the recipe makes approximately 5,000 at a time.  Tonight, we met at a local restaurant for a “Ravioli Planning Meeting.”   I handed out copies of the recipe, which was handwritten by my late Aunt Phyllis, my dad’s older sister.  We decided who was purchasing which ingredients and the date, time and place of the ravioli-fest.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 27th, 8am at the same place where the reunion was held.  It’s on.


bentonflocke said...

yeah love ravioli! Your plan sounds great!!

Can´t wait to see the pictures!

Mari said...

I think I remember you doing this last year. I love the pin and the stained recipe. That means its a keeper!