Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Surgical Area (013/365)

TIME: 6:54 pm
PLACE: Daughter's house 
SUBJECT: Surgical site


DQ was diagnosed with a herniated (leaky) disc in her spine. It was giving her debilitating pain.  She had 2 epidurals late last year and did physical therapy.  Those things did nothing to ease her suffering.

Surgery was the next step.

I worried about her having this done - It seemed a drastic option to me.  She is so young.  What if something happens?  How will this affect her the rest of her life? I'm a mom, I worry, that's what I do.

In the end it went well. She said besides the general pain from the incision, she feels 100% better than before. So that's good.  Hopefully, it will stay that way.

I told her now she can incorporate her scar into a fancy "tramp stamp" tattoo.  Or maybe just have them tattoo an image of a zipper on it.  I'm just trying to be helpful.

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