Monday, March 30, 2009

A Sprain in the A#% (089/365)

2009 03 30 IMG_2841 
"Right and proof are two crutches for everything bent and crooked that limps along."

Libussa, in Libussa, act 2 (1872), Franz Grillparzer (Austrian dramatic poet, 1791-1872)

TIME: 5:30 PM
PLACE:  The front porch
SUBJECT: DramaQueen's sprained ankle

Well, DramaQueen stayed home from school today to rest her ankle.  I called the pediatrician this morning and they told me that the radiologist would be reading the x-rays today and should be contacting them if there was any problems. In the meantime, it's R.I.C.E. - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.  My sister, who is a nurse, showed me how to wrap DQ's ankle with an Ace bandage.  Oh, and we rented crutches from the drugstore.  DQ is excited about having to use them at school tomorrow.  She thinks that she will be the center of attention with them!


Rich said...

Ouch! Our kid is the same way. love the attention that crutches, or bandages, or slings bring.

Christina said...

I like the title of this entry! Ouchie!

Robert Hill said...


bentonflocke said...

Ouch! Sure she will be the center of attention!!

Hope she is feeling better soon!

SaraG said...

OUCHIE, hope she mends well!!

Mari said...

She will be the center of attention but she'll soon be sick of those crutches. I used them for a while in high school. I hope she improves quickly!

Sujomi said...

Rich - Yep, attention is everything when you are that age.

Christina - Sometimes the title just comes to me... ;)

Robert - I'm not sure who hurts worse, DQ or my ears from listening to her moans and groans!

Sujomi said...

bentonflocke - She was! Although there are two other children with crutches as well in her school now.

SaraG - I hope so too!

Mari - She is already tired of them today (Wednesday)! She's not using them right and has chafed her underarms.