Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Freshly Cut (132/365)

2010 05 12 _MG_0620w
“To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.”

John Beverley Nichols (English, author, playwright, journalist, composer, and public speaker. 1898-1983)

TIME:  8:07 PM
PLACE:  Kitchen
SUBJECT:  Peonies

We had a storm early this morning with very heavy rain and hail.  I had placed tomato cages around my peony plants in early April for support, but they were still sagging to the ground due to the rain.  There was an abundance of blooms though, so this evening I cut a number of stems to make a bouquet to place in the house.  Their fragrance is simply delectable.


Mari said...

I love peonies. Ours aren't blooming yet though. They make a beautiful bouquet!

bentonflocke said...

I know this fragrance - it´s really beautiful! Sad about the plants after the rain.
We had a thunderstorm, too in the night with heavy rain.
Cold and wet over the last weeks... terrible spring this year

maresi said...

they are my favorite!

Christina said...

Beautiful! My neighbor's are full of bloom too!

Girl Tornado said...

I do miss my peony bush in Ohio... I'll have to plant some here soon. Our wild rose is blooming right now, beautiful pink blooms which smell delicious!

I love your peonies in the base, just beautiful!