Thursday, May 27, 2010

May Tree (147/365)

2010 05 27 IMG_7299w
"As it fell upon a day
In the merry month of May,
Sitting in a pleasant shade
Which a grove of myrtles made."

”As It Fell Upon A Day”, Richard Barnfield (English poet, 1574-1620)

TIME:  4:29 PM
PLACE:  Front yard
SUBJECT:  Red Sunset Maple tree

The leaves have become fuller and the light a bit brighter here in May.  Today was the kid’s last hour of school – for them summer has officially begun.  We set up the pool and probably got our money’s worth out of it already judging by the usage it had today.  I just have one question…How many more days until school begins again?


Mari said...

I'm enjoying seeing the changes in this tree from month to month!

bentonflocke said...

really beautiful to the the changes