Sunday, July 1, 2012

Queen Anne’s Lace (183/366)

2012 07 01 IMG_2307w
“Her body is not so white as
anemone petals nor so smooth--nor
so remote a thing. It is a field
of the wild carrot taking
the field by force”

Queen Anne’s Lace, William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) 

TIME:  7:19 PM
PLACE:  Country Road
SUBJECT:  Flowers

It was another day of extremely hot temperatures.  I stayed inside and cleared out my pantry of old-outdated food – two big green garbage bags full!  HH worked some overtime this afternoon.  When he got off work and cleaned up, the family went out to dinner…it was too hot to cook (and I had thrown away all the food – ha!).  On the way home I noted how the Queen Anne’s Lace was all in bloom and seeming to love this hot spell.  He obliged me by stopping the car so I could take a photo.

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