Sunday, February 15, 2009

Using Your Noodle (046/365)

2009 02 15 IMG_1146 
"Oh look, it's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle."

Elmo (Sesame Street: Elmo's World, Kevin Clash - actor, 1998)

TIME: 11:31 AM
PLACE: The kitchen table 
SUBJECT: Handmade Wheat Noodles

The HandsomeHusband made lunch today:  Handmade wheat noodles, a red sauce with shrimp, mushrooms and Italian sausage, onions, garlic and Italian seasonings and on the side, a slaw with bacon.  It was very tasty.  The kids helped him unroll the noodles and place them on the plate to dry slightly before cooking.  He has made noodles before, but today was the first time he used wheat flour.  He's looking out for my fiber intake.  What a sweetheart!


Mari said...

I've never made or eaten homemade noodles. They look good though and make a nice picture too!

breanna said...

it's romantic! i'm totally intimidated by making pasta. also, the ONLY thing my handsome husband ever makes is cereal. lucky me, right?

Sujomi said...

Mari - He's made them a few times, I never have though.

breanna - HH is a pretty good cook. I always appreciate it when I don't have to!