Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Sure Sign of Spring (056/365)

2009 02 25 IMG_1466 
“A blunderer is a man who starts a meat market during Lent

James Montgomery Bailey (American journalist, 1841-1894)

TIME: 4:13 PM
PLACE: St. Mary's School Parking Lot
SUBJECT: Fish Fry sign

Today, Ash Wednesday, is the first day of Lent.  Lent is the liturgical season of forty days, beginning today and ending with the celebration of the Paschal Mystery (Easter).  Lent is the primary penitential season in the Church's liturgical year, reflecting the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and praying.  On this day, we are marked with ashes in the sign of the cross on our forehead, reminding us of the end of this life and our longing for eternal life in God, through his Son, Jesus.  During Lent, through the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting and charitable giving, we recall our baptismal promises and renew our commitment to a life of faith.

As a Catholic, aged 18-59, HH and I are required to fast today, limiting ourselves to one full meal and two smaller meals with no snacking between meals.  Catholics age 14 and older also abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent.  Children under the age of 14 are encouraged to abstain or do some sort of penance during the Lenten season.    I've suggested to the three children that they give up shouting and snapping at each other.  This was met with incredulous stares.  Obviously, we need to work on this aspect of the Lenten season. 


Dana said...

Oh yes! My favorite part of having a large Catholic population in the midwest - well, that and the McD's double fillet of fish!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

We'll be attending out KofC fish fry tomorrow night (Our son, in 5th grade at the Catholic school has to "work" at it - get customers drinks, take trays, etc. for tips for their end of the year field trips). We had to do Captain Ds last night. Grease-willies....

Sujomi said...

Dana - It's one of the good things about being Catholic, in addition to the beer and Bingo on Friday nights and the wine on Sunday mornings! ;)

ETW - I worked many a fish fry in my years at Catholic grade school quote Sister Margaret Mary, "It's good for the soul!"

Dot O said...

Got my ashes. My parish actually had just an ash/reading service at 12:15. I was in and back out in 15 minutes even with a homily! Has to be a record for this usually long-winded priest.

I made pancakes for dinner and that was our big meal of the day. Although we usually have pizza every Friday night throughout the year, it takes on special meaning during Lent - longer lines at the pizza parlor.

Love the fish fry sign! Our parish should do something like that as a fundraiser....

Mari said...

What a great picture for the season!

Sujomi said...

Dot O - Wow! That was a fast mass...we have pancakes for dinner a few times during Lent as well.

Mari - I think it sums it up well. LOL