Sunday, July 17, 2011

Corn Harvest (198/365)

2011 07 17 _MG_3532w
“Sex is good, but not as good as fresh, sweet corn.”

Garrison Keillor (American writer and broadcaster b.1942)

TIME:  2:47 PM
PLACE:  Backyard
SUBJECT:  Ears of corn

We picked our corn today.  As we picked it, we shucked it and filled up a large garden trug with the ears.  We all sampled the raw bi-color corn – the kids included. Oh. My. God.  It was sooo sweet and tender…in all my 44 years, I don’t think that I have ever had corn that tasted as good as that sample.  Then we soaked it it salt water (to kill any critters) then vacuumed sealed and froze most of our crop.   I drove some over to my dad as well…he loves corn on the cob.  Of course we kept some out to cook and eat with our supper.  It was even better with butter and salt.  I can safely say that we are definitely planting corn again next year.  That’s good stuff.  Now I’m looking forward for the tomatoes to ripen.

1 comment:

Mari said...

Fresh corn on the cob is the best!