Friday, December 30, 2011

Pull Knob For Pack Selection (364/365)

2011 12 30 IMG_8544w
“People today are healthier and drinking less. You know, if it wasn't for the junior high school next door, no one would even use the cigarette machine.”

Moe the Bartender, “The Simpsons,” Flaming Moe’s, (1991), Television.

TIME:  8:00 PM
PLACE:  Kretzer’s Grill & Bar, Hoyleton, IL
SUBJECT:  Cigarette machine

This machine was at a restaurant where HH & I met with some friends of ours for dinner this evening.  You don’t see cigarette machines like this still in use very often anymore.
When we arrived home, this little vignette greeted us in the living room:

2011 12 30 _MG_8598w

StellaDella built this “house” while we were out.  DramaQueen said it took her about an hour to construct it. Check out the the security system she has in place:

2011 12 30 _MG_8602w2011 12 30 _MG_8605w

I don’t know what to else to say about it. I’m pretty much dumbstruck.

1 comment:

bentonflocke said...

too funny what stelladella did! Like the security guy most