Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sluggish (218/365)

2011 08 06 IMG_0172w2011 08 06 IMG_0175w

2011 08 06 IMG_0166w“He would pore by the hour, o'er a weed or a flower, / Or the slugs that come crawling out after a shower.”

Rev. R. H. Barham (English Poet and Dramatist, 1788-1845)

TIME:  8:32 PM
PLACE:  Basement
SUBJECT:  Leopard Slug  Limax maximus

When you live in an old house and are breaking up and removing the concrete basement floor to work on the sewer pipes so you can get the basics taken care of so you can, maybe, just maybe, finally finish updating the bathrooms, you end up with exposed moist dirt surrounding the unearthed, broken clay drains.  Then the slugs invade your basement.  I’m keeping the basement door locked tonight.  I don’t need to be attacked as I sleep.


Mari said...


Unknown said...

Thats a big one for sure!!! I'm with Mari, YUK!!!