Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lightning Bug (160/365)

2010 06 09 IMG_7585w 
“Before, beside us, and above
The firefly lights his lamp of love.” 

“Tour Through Ceylon”. Bishop Reginald Heber  (English, Church of England's Bishop of Calcutta and hymn writer, 1783–1826).

TIME:  7:55 PM
PLACE:  Front porch
SUBJECT:  Firefly

There is something magical about spying the first fireflies of the summer.  Seeing them flash on and off on a warm summer evening brings back memories of my childhood.  There was a large field next to our house that always had tons of lightning bugs.  My brothers and I would run around in the dark and catch them in glass peanut butter jars (Who remembers when peanut butter jars were glass and had measurements on the sides? – We used those jars for holding everything: lightning bugs, bees, tadpoles.  They. were. the. best. jars. ever!).  We punched holes in the lids and added grass to make the jar more “homey” for the bugs.  After the street lights came on, we would let the fireflies go free and move to the front lawn to play “Ghost In The Graveyard”, “Statues”, or “TV Tag” until Mom called us inside to take our baths.  Tonight, StellaDella and I caught lightning bugs and put them in a mason jar.  Then we let them go and SD went inside and took a bath.


Christina said...

Fun summer memories and great photo! I haven't seen any lightning bugs here yet.

Mari said...

Great memories! Nice shot too. I don't know if I've ever seen one, that wasn't lit up.