Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Plethora Of Milk Duds (040/365)

2011 02 09 IMG_8717w
Blanche: The Milk Duds, remember. You had two boxes of Milk Duds.
Dr. Harris: Milk Duds.
Sophia: They're delicious. I love them. The trouble is, they take out my dentures.

"The Heart Attack." The Golden Girls. 23 Nov. 1983. Television.

TIME:  8:01 PM
PLACE:  Kitchen
SUBJECT:  Boxes of Milk Duds

StellaDella’s seventh birthday is tomorrow and she asked if she could give boxes of Milk Duds to each of her classmates.  I agreed, thinking that I had seen them for 69 cents each at a Dollar Tree store.  She said she had 25 kids in her class (not including her).  Ok, I thought 69 cents x 25 students = $17.25 – a little pricey, but overall, not too bad for birthday favors.  She went with me to pick them up and while there, she informed me that she needed a box and she wanted to give one to her teacher and the student teacher as well.  Ok then, 3 more wouldn’t hurt.  We went to the check-out lane and it turns out I was wrong....they were not 69 cents, but $1 each – that’s $28 dollars worth of Milk Duds!  Gah! – that was a bit more than I wanted to spend (I’m am very cheap frugal when it comes to things like this).  I went ahead and bought them anyway - SD is so excited about handing these out to her friends – I did not want to disappoint her and who needs money anyway?


Mari said...

She'll have fun and her friends will be thrilled!

Christina said...
