Thursday, June 23, 2011

Peeking Out (174/365)

2011 06 23 IMG_2982w
Vampire: [about Jack Skellington, who is missing] I peeked behind the Cyclops' eye - I did! - But he wasn't there.

The Nightmare Before Christmas. Writ. Tim Burton. 1993. Touchstone Pictures

TIME:  10:28 AM
PLACE:  South Lawn, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, MO
SUBJECT:  StellaDella & MonkeyBoy in Vito Acconci’s “Face of the Earth #3” 1988

I had my cast/splint removed this morning and am now in a brace for the next 4-6 weeks.  Physical therapy, 2-3 times a week, has also been prescribed.  After my appointment, as we were driving to Costco, I impulsively decided to stop for a quick visit to Laumeier Sculpture Park.  We (SD, MB & I) had never been before and it was a gorgeous day to go.  We were not there for long and didn’t see everything, but they really enjoyed the sculptures we did get to see.

2011 06 23 IMG_2972w 
TIME:  10:24 AM
PLACE:  Way Field, Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, MO
SUBJECT:  Alexander Liberman, The Way, 1972-80

Isn’t that ginormous?  It’s made from eighteen salvaged steel oil tanks.  Can you see MB wearing the green t-shirt and SD standing by him under the middle of the sculpture?  They want to go back.

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