Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stems (159/365)

2011 06 08 _MG_2717w
“To know that light falls and fills, often without our knowing, As an opaque vase fills to the brim from quick pouring, Fills and trembles at the edge yet does not flow over, Still holding and feeding the stem of the contained flower.”

-Rogers,Will. The Lost Son,'The Shape of Fire'.

TIME:  6:53 PM
PLACE:  Kitchen
SUBJECT:  Flower stems in vase

I went to work today – payroll (très importante!) and customer invoicing (also très importante to fund said payroll!) must be done.  When I arrived home, a bouquet of flowers was sitting on my kitchen table.  The kids told me who they were from – they had read the card (note to self:  if having an affair, make sure boyfriend doesn't send flowers, you WILL be ratted out by the nosey kids) – a friend of the family.  It lifted my spirits and the flowers are beautiful.  I was going to take a photo of the whole bouquet, but decided I liked the light shining through the glass vase best.

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