TIME: 11:49 AM to 12:21 PM
PLACE: Route 66
The girls and I drove to Litchfield for their Pickers Market.
It was a bit hot for May – but I’ll take it over the cold any day.
We took the Historic Route 66 highway home. The modern highway parallels the Historic Route 66 alignment (1940-1977) . I pulled into a junction to take photos.
This is looking south to Staunton.
And looking north to Litchfield.
Soulsby’s Service Station in Mt. Olive.
This was built in 1926. Route 66 was to the west of the building at that time. Then, in 1930, the highway was realigned and ended up in front of the station.
Henry’s Rabbit Ranch
We stopped, but we didn’t get to meet Henry, maybe another time.
This gigantic rabbit was on the side of the building.
See all those bunny graves in the back? I can tell that they were loved.
It was a good Mother’s Day.