Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bean Counter (238/365)

2009 08 26 IMG_9439 
“People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant.”

Ellen DeGeneres (American stand-up comedienne, television hostess and actress, b1958)

TIME:  9:37 PM
PLACE:  Desk
SUBJECT:  Accounting tools

Now that the kids are all in school I have returned to the working world.  Well, part-time anyway.  My client needed a part-time accountant for his law practice and I accepted the position.  I will be working on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while the kids are at school.  He told me that he hasn’t had a true bookkeeper in about 4 years.  Hmmm, I can tell that by the way things have been posted in the system.  It truly offends my bean-counting sensibilities.  He just wants me to “go forward” but I have to go backward to make 2009 correct…and to balance the checking account (which hasn’t been “officially” balanced since January 2008!).  I need to review the 2008 general ledger to make sure it is correct so I can file 2008 business taxes before the extension runs out.  It looks like I will be kept quite busy for awhile – oh well, it will keep me out of the mall and spending money, that should make HH happy!   


bentonflocke said...

welcome back in the working world! Sounds really busy - but glad when your HH is happy, too *LOL*

HOpe you´ll have time for your daily post! They are always interesting and I love the sayings

Christina said...

Sounds kinda like full time, and you'll be kept busy, for sure!