Thursday, October 6, 2011

Secret Stash (279/365)

2011 10 06 _MG_5527w
Crow T. Robot: [Impersonating McCreedy] And here's my secret stash of Cheetos, Dr. Pepper and back issues of Cosmo

Mystery Science Theater 3000, TV Series, episode: “Hobgoblins”, 27 June 1998

TIME:  9:53 PM
PLACE:  Basement

I decided to stock up on Halloween candy early this year.  We usually get a ton of trick-or-treaters at our house.  In addition, we participate in a “Trunk or Treat” at our church, so we need candy for that.  I decided to spread the cost over a couple of paychecks.  This will help deceive myself about how much it actually costs us to distribute candy each year.  I’ve hidden the bags in the basement…who wants to take bets on how long it takes the kids to find them.

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