Monday, October 24, 2011

Un-Amused Corvette Finds Window Prints Un-Amusing (297/365)

2011 10 24 _MG_6412w
Murray Burns: [shouts at rows of houses] Neighbors, I have an announcement for you. I have never seen such a collection of dirty windows. Now I want to see all of you out there on the fire escape with your Mr. Clean bottles, and let's snap it up!

Robards, Jason, perf. A Thousand Clowns. Dir. Fred Coe. 1965. united Artists. DVD.

TIME:  3:47 PM
PLACE:  Back driveway
SUBJECT:  Fingerprints on passenger window

The husband just *had* to wash his mid-life-crisis-mobile today.  You know, it was caught in the rain…twice.  TWICE!  And then, on Saturday, MonkeyBoy used the window as a door handle and left fingerprints all over the corner of the glass.  Oh, the horror.

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