Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Always Optimistic In The Spring (075/365)

2011 03 16 IMG_0062w
“An optimist is the human personification of spring.“

~Susan J. Bissonette

TIME:  4:38 PM
PLACE:  Backyard
SUBJECT:  Plant markers

I think I mentioned before that the HandsomeHusband purchased several types of seeds and planned to start them for a vegetable garden.  This afternoon he planted some tomato, pepper and cucumber seeds.  We always begin the growing season with the best of intentions; making sure the garden plot is well watered, fertilized and weeded…then, around the 4th of July when it seems the weeds seem to grow faster than we can pull them and it grows so stifling hot and humid that being outside is like being in a wet oven, we tend to slack off and everything ends up going to hell.  Nevertheless, every year we begin anew with high hopes of a massive harvest - I have faith that we will prevail at some point.  This will be the year we need to do it too - I’m afraid the market price of fresh produce is going to get ugly along with higher costs of all the other groceries we consume as well.

1 comment:

Mari said...

I hope they grow well. My thumb is brown and I can't keep anything growing inside. When I tried this the plants got moldy!
If I plant things outside, they do well, so I'm not completely hopeless.