TIME: 8:29 PM
DramaQueen has 7 friends – 4 girls, 3 boys(!) - over tonight to celebrate New Year’s Eve. MonkeyBoy is spending the night at friend’s house (lucky him, he gets to escape the evening of 15-year olds!). So of course StellaDella needed a friend over too! Eva is my cousin’s daughter (SD’s 2nd cousin) and while she is 2 years older than SD, they get along famously. We like to call the two of them “Thelma and Louise” I love how her gum matched her hat tonight.
Monday, December 31, 2012
New Year’s Eva (366/366)
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Animated (365/366)
TIME: 6:16 PM
PLACE: Uncle Albert’s house
SUBJECT: Uncle Albert, Shayne, StellaDella and Uncle Albert’s Christmas animatronics collection
It all started back in the 1990’s with Uncle Albert taking a trip to Branson, Missouri and purchasing that frog on the left. It has since grown to a large collection of these singing, dancing, rocking and ear flapping electronic pets. It’s quite a sight when they are all going at once.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Exchange Club (364/366)
TIME: 10:36 AM
PLACE: Around town
The snow made it much easier to read the Exchange Club’s name on this bench.
Friday, December 28, 2012
First Snow of Winter (363/366)
TIME: 10:11 PM
PLACE: Backyard
There was a misty rain as I left work at 4pm today. By the time I arrived home at 4:30 it was turning to snow.
TIME: 10:52 PM
PLACE: Backyard
SUBJECT: Basketball hoop
It continued all evening. When we left for MonkeyBoy’s indoor soccer game at 8:15 there was about an inch accumulation of the wet stuff and still more coming down.
TIME: 10:56
PLACE: Backyard
SUBJECT: Chain link fence
After we arrived back home, I went outside with the camera and attempted to take some photos. I took a number of them (the top photo is from that round), came inside, reviewed them and went back out with the tripod to get longer exposures and less shake. I didn’t stay out too long…I really don’t like the cold.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
“World’s Best Mom” (362/366)
TIME: 3:50 PM
SUBJECT: My Christmas present from StellaDella
OK, you all can just go ahead and admit defeat right now. It’s official…I’m the World’s Best Mom. I even have the trophy to prove it.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Ice Skate (361/366)
TIME: 3:59 PM
PLACE: Front door
SUBJECT: Ice skate “wreath”
I took the day off work so I could go after-Christmas shopping with my sister, niece and DramaQueen today. Boxing day is my favorite day to shop during the holidays as the pressure and stress of purchasing the perfect presents for Christmas morning is out of the door. Clearance sales are on and I usually have a bit of Christmas gift $$ in my pocket. I bought a some ornaments, clothes for myself (jeans, cords and a couple of shirts), a stylus for StellaDella’s Kindle and a t-shirt for MonkeyBoy. The crowds were small/non-existent during our early morning (7am) shopping time. It was nice.
I had pinned this idea to my Pintrest board back in September. I finally unearthed my ice skates (a $3 rummage sale find this summer), filled one with 70%-off wintery floral picks I found when Christmas shopping last Monday and hung it by its laces on my front door. Voilà!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas Morning (360/366)
TIME: 7:32 AM
PLACE: Living room
SUBJECT: The kids and the dog
As is my tradition on Christmas morning, I was able to torment the kids by insisting on taking a shower and getting dressed before any presents could be opened. Then I made them sit in front of the tree while I took several photos and demanded that they “look happy dammit!” All were pleased with that Santa gave them. I can tell that they are growing up…the only toys were SD’s stuffed Sock Monkey (seen here), a plush “wolf skin” rug, DQ’s Eeyore pillow pet and a couple of video games. Clothes/perfume/makeup/art supplies/a Leatherman made up the rest of the gifts.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Eve (359/366)
TIME: 9:27 PM
PLACE: Dad’s house
SUBJECT: StellaDella and her Kindle Fire HD
SD received the “best present ever!” from Paw-paw…a Kindle Fire HD. Now maybe she’ll stay off of my phone and my laptop.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Mandatory Reflection In Christmas Ornament Photo (358/366)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
A Bit Breezy (354/366)
TIME: 2:05 PM
SUBJECT: Tree in the wind
Today, winter blew into town. This poor tree was horizontal most of the day due to the high winds. I tried convincing some of my co-workers to wear a scarf and then go stand outside the cafeteria windows. I wanted to capture the scarf ends standing blowing sideways in the wind…but alas, there were no takers.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Christmas Craft (345/366)
TIME: 9:54 PM
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Tonight’s Brownie craft
I took the easy way out this evening for our Brownie meeting. Instead of working on a badge requirement that would have entailed work on my part, I just had the girls paint wooden trees and snowmen, then decorate them with Perler beads and sequins. ‘Tis the season!
Yes, I am way behind on my daily postings. I have the photos, but need to do the blogging part. Or maybe I won’t. I might just do my catching-up off the blog while putting together my annual book of photos. Not sure, yet, but I know this right now…I’m going to bed.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
A Rock In Her Head (336/366)
“Everybody does something stupid at some time in their lives…right Mom?”
StellaDella, to me on the drive to the hospital to remove a piece of gravel from her ear.
TIME: 8:17 PM
PLACE: Emergency room
SUBJECT: Pebble removed from SD’s right ear
We were watching TV (eagerly anticipating the mid-season finale of “The Walking Dead”) when SD went to her father and told him that she had a rock in her ear. Seriously? Apparently, she had found the pebble on the rug, was rubbing it on the outside of her ear (don’t ask) and somehow managed to drop it in her ear canal. I took her to the Emergency room and steeled myself for a loooong evening in an uncomfortable chair in the waiting room. To my relief, they had a non-critical care room available about 45 minutes after we walked in. The doctor flushed out the gravel with water and prescribed ear drops for her irritated ear canal. She thanked us for giving her the easiest case she had all day. You are quite welcome Doc. We left, had the prescription filled and made it back in time for the 9pm encore presentation. *Shaking my head* There’s never a dull moment around here.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Wine Winner (335/366)
TIME: 10:20 PM
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Wine basket
I started off today by running a 5k – The Gingerbread Run – here in town. My official time was 37:14 – I was only 24 seconds behind my 15 year-old-daughter – not bad for an old woman! Then, HH and I attended my office Christmas party this evening. They gave away a couple of attendance prizes – the best one was a day off with pay - which I didn’t win. Somehow they called my number for this wine basket. I’ll take it.
Monday, November 26, 2012
My Black Friday Purchase Arrived (330/366)
TIME: 10:13 PM
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: The Walking Dead Season 1 & 2 DVDs
I will admit going to Target on Thanksgiving at 9pm. They were supposed to have the first season of the Walking Dead on DVD for $8. I didn’t find it. (Also, DramaQueen needed Tootsie Rolls to hand out while she was walking in the Santa Parade the next day.) Since they didn’t have it, I pursued Amazon.com. They had season one for $8 and the second season for $16 – so I ordered both. Free shipping and no crowds. That’s the way shopping should be all the time.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The Fog (326/366)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Bleacher Steps #2 (325/366)
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Second Sun (320/366)
TIME: 4:08 PM
PLACE: Work parking lot
As I left work, I noticed an unusual sight in the sky. The sun and a 2nd incandescence that you can see to the left of the photo. Don’t know what it is, some say it is due to Chemtrails, others say it is a sign of the Nibiru Cataclysm. Looks like we are all doomed.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Bleacher Steps #1 (318/366)
TIME: 8:36 PM
PLACE: Away Basketball game
SUBJECT: Looking down the bleacher steps
Away basketball game this evening. I’ve been seeing the variations in the bleacher steps at all the different schools. I feel a photo theme coming on.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Fall Field (317/366)
TIME: 9:53 AM
PLACE: State St. Road
SUBJECT: Cleared field
We are all off for Veteran’s Day, but MB still had basketball practice this morning. After I dropped him off, I took this photo.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Permanent Marker–1, Dryer–0 (314/366)
TIME: 6:48 AM
PLACE: Basement
See what happens when a permanent marker makes its way through the washer and then the dryer with its cap off? You don’t want to see the clothes that were in the load with the damned thing. Here’s praying that the Magic Eraser lives up to its name….
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Frosty (313/366)
Twas warm—at first—like Us—Until there crept upon A Chill—like frost upon a Glass—
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), U.S. poet. 'Twas warm—at first—like Us (l. 1-3). . . The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Thomas H. Johnson, ed. (1960) Little, Brown.
TIME: 7:02 AM
PLACE: Jeep window
I am so not ready for this.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Pastasaurus (312/366)
TIME: 5:57 PM
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Spaghetti spoon
I made pasta with butter tonight. A simple dish, just thin spaghetti with butter and parmesan cheese. My paternal grandmother – Ignazia, but better known as Edna or “Grandma C---“ to my brothers and I - would make this for us when we would spend the night. She always pronounced it “Basta with butter” It was sooo good. Sadly, I can never seem to make mine taste like hers.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Yep, I Voted (311/366)
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
Homer Simpson, The Simpsons, Treehouse of Horror VII, Written by Ken Keeler, Dan Greaney and David S. Cohen, Directed by Mike B. Anderson, Production code: 4F02 Original airdate in U.S.: 27-Oct-96
TIME: 4:38 PM
PLACE: Polling place
SUBJECT: Official Ballot header
Some of my candidates won, some did not. In one local race that I really cared about, my choice was a winner. I’m happy.
Monday, November 5, 2012
“C” Is For Curled Cat (310/366)
TIME: 7:08 PM
PLACE: Desk Chair
Jack is all curled up and leaving hair on MonkeyBoy’s black suit. MB wore it as part of his costume Halloween night and it has been sitting there, all crumped up for the past 5 days. Dry cleaner, here we come.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Cipro (309/366)
TIME: 11:05 PM
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Prescription bottle
Usually I love this day – the day I get an extra hour to get things done around the house or take a well-deserved nap. But today? Today, I got to spend that extra hour at a medical clinic, so they could verify my self-diagnosed UTI. I was correct, they prescribed me an antibiotic to clear it up quickly. What a great day.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Twins (308/366)
Friday, November 2, 2012
Contrail Capture (307/366)
TIME: 7:35 AM
SUBJECT: Looking out the window
We had a great view of the early morning contrails. About 2 minutes after I took this photo, the automatic shades descended. Some days, it’s all about the timing.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Good Morning November (306/366)
TIME: 7:26 AM
PLACE: Highway 55
SUBJECT: Sunrise
Since my office moved, my drive time has increased – it takes about 30 minutes to drive the 27 miles. The last 12 miles of my morning commute takes me in a northeast direction. There are some benefits to this…for example, today, I got to see this gorgeous sunrise.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween! (305/366)
TIME: 6:13 PM
PLACE: The cousin’s house
SUBJECT: StellaDella and Eva
The Dark/Goth Fairy and the Hippie. They trick-or-treated for two hours – yakking the whole time. My feet hurt from walking.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Vertical Flight (304/366)
TIME: 7:33 PM
PLACE: Junior High gym
SUBJECT: MonkeyBoy – jumping
Wow. That boy can jump.
(He didn’t block the shot, but his opponent didn’t make the basket either)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Necklace (303/366)
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Kill Me Now (302/366)
TIME: 5:29 PM
PLACE: Living room
SUBJECT: Oreo in costume
Oreo is wearing a Pterodactyl costume with a jockey caveman. She doesn’t look like she is enjoying it.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
DramaQueen Is Now 15 (301/366)
TIME: ??
PLACE: Local Photography Studio
SUBJECT: DramaQueen – 6 months old
(one of my favorite pictures)
My first-born entered the world at on 10/27/97 at 10:47 pm. She is the reason for my first major surgery (C-section) and quite a number of grey hairs. Today she turned 15 and is gunning for a driver’s permit. I foresee many, many more grey hairs in my future.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Slender Man (300/366)
Thursday, October 25, 2012
View From the Bleachers (299/366)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Halloween Décor (298/366)
TIME: 10:38 PM
PLACE: Living room
SUBJECT: Skull and lamp
I finally decorated a little bit for Halloween. I’ve been really slacking on holiday décor these past couple of years. And on posting pictures as well.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Real Men Wear Tutus (297/366)
TIME: 7:40 PM
PLACE: Fortel’s Pizza
SUBJECT: Man in a tutu
The grandfather of one of SD’s teammates told the girls he would wear a tutu at the end of the year soccer party if they won their last two games. They only won one, but he still put on the tutu, much to the girls delight.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Fall Foliage (296/366)
"The clump of maples on the hill,
And this one near the door,
Seem redder, quite a lot, this year
Than last, or year before;"
- David L. Cady, October in Vermont
TIME: 7:43 AM
PLACE: Dad’s house
SUBJECT: Maple tree
StellaDella has been down for the count the last week. The official diagnosis by the pediatrician on Saturday is an upper respiratory infection. She was prescribed azithromycin to fight the infection. Unfortunately, she still couldn’t go to school today. My dad, God bless him, agreed to watch her while HH and I were at work. I dropped her off at his house this morning and saw that the tree planted in the front yard 30+ years ago is once again dressed for fall.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Natural Van Wrap (295/366)
Homer Simpson: I can't believe I'm in Cheech and Chong's van, the van made out of weed!
Cheech Marin: This van is not made of weed.
Homer Simpson: Then what's it made of? Hash? 'Shrooms? Lysergic acid diethylamide?
Cheech Marin: No, the van is just made out of... van.
Homer Simpson: Ohhh!
The Simpsons: Season 22, Episode 16, A Midsummer’s Nice Dream, 13, Mar 2011.
TIME: 2:48 PM
PLACE: Backyard
SUBJECT: Shadows on van
The sunlight and the neighbor’s tree made interesting patterns on HH’s work van this afternoon.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Viola (294/366)
“The difference between a violin and a viola is that a viola burns longer.”
Victor Borge (Danish born American Comedian and Pianist, 1909-2000)
TIME: 6:10 PM
Victor is talking about a different type of viola, but I like the quote.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Mums (293/366)
“A chrysanthemum by any other name would be a lot easier to spell.”
― Robert C. Savage
TIME: 6:08 PM
PLACE: Grade school
SUBJECT: Mums at the Fall Festival
We had our Fall Festival at school this evening. There were several games for the kids, a bounce house and inflatible obstical course, face painting and hair coloring stations. To eat there was cotton candy, chili/hot dogs/hamburgers and for dessert, a bake sale. The kids where able to redeem the tickets the won at the games for prizes. HandsomeHusband donated the chrysanthemums and hay bales we used for decorations.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Bunch o’ Bags (292/366)
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in”
Will Rogers (American entertainer, 1879-1935)
TIME: 6:22 PM
PLACE: Kitchen
SUBJECT: Tote Bags for Fall Festival
My employer donated 150 tote bags for our fall festival tomorrow. I delivered them this evening to drop them off and to help with last minute preparations. I was called home to help comfort my son who received an elbow to the nose while playing in an 8th grade basketball game. He was in such pain. I don’t think it is broken – it’s a clear view up his nostrils and his eyes aren’t turning black – but it’s gonna hurt him for a while. My poor boy.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Hail, Hail Rock & Roll! (291/366)
"Roll over Beethoven, and tell Tchaikovsky the news."
Chuck Berry (American singer, songwriter, and guitarist, b.1926)
TIME: 10:22 PM
PLACE: The Duck Room, Blueberry Hill, St. Louis, MO
SUBJECT: Chuck Berry
(all taken with cell phone)
When I found out that Chuck Berry still puts on concerts about once a month at Blueberry Hill, I decided I needed to see him while I had the chance. My Dad and brother Mike joined me. I wasn’t expecting too much – I mean, the man turns 86 tomorrow (Oct 18th) – but I can honestly say, it was $35 well spent. He put on a great show. He was having a good time, so was the audience and he can still play a mean guitar. Love you Chuck!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Good Morning (290/366)
“Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.”
― Glen Cook, Sweet Silver Blues
TIME: 7:11 AM
PLACE: Outside
SUBJECT: The morning sky
I wake at 5:30 am every morning so I can be on my way to work by 7:00 am. At least, I try. I’m usually running behind – for example, today I was 11 minutes behind schedule. I’m not a morning person, but seeing skies like this helps me face the day.