Friday, July 24, 2009

Wires (205/365)

2009 07 24 IMG_8397 
"Electricity, the peril the wind sings to in the wires on a gray day. . ."

Janet Frame (New Zealander, novelist, short-story writer, poet, Her works include "Intensive Care" and "Owls Do Cry," 1924-2004)

TIME:  8:35 PM
PLACE:  The front yard, looking west
SUBJECT:  Power lines

Again, I had another uninspired and not too interesting of a day.  I did some cleaning – the bathroom and StellaDella’s room.  I ended up needing a rake to get everything out from under her bed.  Good gravy, she had an enormous amount of junk under there – what bad feng shui.  Then, late this afternoon, the kids and I - HandsomeHusband was off visiting his good friend - went to pick up gift cards for some birthday parties we are attending tomorrow.  After picking those up, we went to Steak ‘n Shake to eat dinner.  Exciting times!


SaraG said...

Sounds like a productive day!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and that is a really cool photo of the wires!!

bentonflocke said...

you had a busy day and a cool shot!

Mari said...

Those crazy lines are always getting in the way of my pictures. Good idea to just take a picture of them!

Dot O said...

Wow, that is an interesting shot. You did have a very busy day... Sorry I am so behind. I will be paging through your days of pics today!