"At the table of a gentleman living in the Chausee d'Antin was served up an Arles sausage of enormous size. "Will you accept a slice?" the host asked a lady who was sitting next to him; "you see it has come from the right factory." -- "It is really very large," said the lady, casting on it a roguish glance; "What a pity it is unlike anything.""
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), Physiologie du goût (The Physiology of Taste), 1825. English translation by M. F. K. Fisher, 1949.
TIME: 12:47 PM
SUBJECT: Wurstmart entrance sign
First off – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY HANDSOMEHUSBAND! I am so sorry that today was filled with so many non-birthday type events. Your birthday tart will be made later this week when you will be able to relax and enjoy it.
The day started off with a visit to the Boy Scouts all you can eat Pancake and Sausage breakfast where MonkeyBoy proceeded to set a personal record of 13 pancakes consumed. Then HH asked me to help him walk the cold neighborhood distributing campaign literature. After we returned, he and I headed to a Wurstmart, intending to sit and eat. Unfortunately, there was a long wait and HH had two other meetings he needed to attend. So we adjusted our plans, picked up our bratwurst plates as carry out and brought it home. We ate, then he left for his afternoon events. Not such a fun birthday for HH. Better than last year though, when he was a sick man.