Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Tree (123/365)

2011 05 03 IMG_0011w
“A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?”
Ronald Reagan (b. 1911), U.S. Republican politician, president. speech, Sept. 12, 1965. Quoted in Sacramento Bee (California, Mar. 12, 1966). Reagan later denied having made this statement.

TIME:  6:16 PM
PLACE:  Little League field

MonkeyBoy had his first, not-rained out, out-of-town, baseball game tonight.  He really wanted me to watch him play (and I wanted to as well.)  Unfortunately, StellaDella also had t-ball practice at the same time.  So I took SD to practice while HH (the coach!) went with MB.  It was chilly at practice, so I sat in the car.  I took this photo through the front windshield while I watched SD practice.

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